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Badminton: Popularity and Personal Experience

When you think about popular sports, badminton might not be the first thing that comes to your mind. Surprisingly, however, badminton is considered to be the second most popular game in the world. There are various reasons behind the game being such a rage across the globe. First and foremost, it is easy to get started with.

Secondly, it can be played practically anywhere, be it a park or an open garden. Moreover, badminton also benefits from being an all-year-round sport that can be played anytime irrespective of the weather outside.

Suffice to say, people all across the world adore this game. So it only makes sense for us to take a closer look and understand why it is so popular and preferred by sports enthusiasts.

The Popularity of Badminton Explained

Badminton is said to possess one of the highest participation rates of any other sport in the world. We have over 220 million people playing globally. The sport is especially popular in Asian countries, particularly India… a fact that is evident by the number of players we welcome at our badminton court in Balewadi. In fact, some of the best players in the world hail from the Asian continent.

The sport has only grown in popularity ever since its inception years ago. Clubs, badminton halls, and outdoor courts are all over the country today catering to the needs and requirements of badminton enthusiasts from all walks of life. Countries like Denmark and Indonesia put the sport at an altogether higher pedestal than any other region globally. Their media heavily covers the sport and a large section of their population plays badminton almost regularly.

Badminton is only expected to grow with regards to its popularity in the years to come with more people realizing its inclusivity and health benefits.

Why Do People Prefer Badminton Over Other Sports?

Most people prefer badminton over other sports because of a variety of reasons. The most prominent of which are listed below

  • It is a fun and flexible sport that helps you socialize with friends and family.
  • It is good for both your mental and physical wellbeing.
  • It can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body and improve heart health.
  • It makes you more mobile and improves your stamina.
  • It can be played anywhere, anytime, in any season.

The Future of Badminton

Needless to say, the interest in Badminton among the Indian masses is at an all-time high. It is important to keep this interest peaked by opening and maintaining spaces that allow people to play and enjoy the sport to its fullest extent. It is important that people have the infrastructure needed to play badminton for the sport to have a chance of flourishing in India.

That is exactly what we at The Life Sports are trying to accomplish by offering the best badminton coaching in Pune. We are home to the infrastructure, resources, and trainers needed to help you become a master of Badminton.

By |2022-05-11T10:07:49+00:00May 9th, 2022|Sports|0 Comments

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