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7 helpful ways to take care of your mental health during COVID-19

Taking care of your mental health matters now more so than ever to emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. As much importance your physical health has in your life, your mental health amounts to just as equal importance.

 In an effort to help the people look after and replenish their state of mind, here are 7 steps to mental well-being:

  • Exercise

    We have all heard the phrase, “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind”. And it indeed is very apt and true. Endorphins are the “feel good” hormones released by our brain. Research shows that doing even a 10-minute workout increases the proportion of endorphins in our mind and in turn reduces body induced mental stress. This can definitely help you to improve your mental health.

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  • Meditate

    Meditation is the natural stress stabilizer. A good 10-minute meditation fires up neural connection which regulates positive emotions like empathy, kindness, and self-belief. It helps you introspect, induces a state of harmony within your mind and increases your attention span. A helpful addition to this is positive affirmations.

  • Following a healthy dietary plan

    Eating nutritious food and having a complete diet enhances your mood, increases energy levels, and reduces depression. Not to mention, it also helps you attain a healthy body. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water helps in building immunity and keeps your skin healthy.

  • Set yourself a routine

    Boredom and stress are the inevitable consequences of having an unstructured time. Having set times to have meals, get sleep, and work helps us feel in control of the situation. Set yourself some goals to achieve by the end of the day. Achieving those few is proved to be therapeutic and one of the important ways to improve your mental health.

  • Explore hobbies

    Remember that thing you’ve always wanted to do but never found the time to do so? Well, now is your opportunity to explore new avenues and pick up hobbies that make you feel great. Drawing? Cooking? Painting? Dancing? Reading? You decide. Do stuff that makes you feel happy and get that jolt of endorphins flowing through to your brain.

  • Talking to friends and family

    Take this time and connect with your loved ones on a deeper level. Share your thoughts and feelings with the ones closest to you and reconnect with those who you’ve lost touch with.

  • Disconnect

    The easiest and probably the most important of them all. Save yourself from the constant bombardment of news and social media to rejuvenate your mind. Choose to consume media that is calming, practical, and helpful to yourself. It can be your favorite book or a movie. You choose what makes you feel at peace.

Let’s put mental well being on our top to-do list to stay positive and healthy during this pandemic.

By |2020-06-22T17:19:57+00:00June 18th, 2020|Sports|0 Comments

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